We Celebrate! 5 Things To Celebrate

It's celebration time! On one of our previous episodes this month, we talked about 5 ways to fast in honor of Ramadan. If you missed that episode, check it out here.

To commemorate our completion of fasting, let's celebrate! Here are 5 things I suggest you celebrate:

1. Your Accomplishments. You'd be surprised how many of our accomplishments we have forgotten, downplayed, or breezed by.  Take the time to celebrate your personal #Wins and they will become fuel for your journey. 

2. Your Affirmations. I keep a journal of affirmations people have shared with me.  When I need a reminder of who I am and why I'm here, I read through my affirmation journal.  Let us resist minimizing the moments we are affirmed and instead, celebrate them!

3.  Your Gratitudes. Gratitudes are a game changer!  Celebrate that which you are grateful for and you will take control of your mindset, perspective, and emotions.  Plus, its fun! 

4.  Your Failures. What?! Yup, that's right! In every moment we are deciding, "what does this mean?"  By celebrating your failures, you define it, rather than it defining you.  Instead of, "it's over and I suck." Failure can mean: "I am innovative, I am pushing past all limitations, and I am bold!"  Celebrate it!

5.  What Brings You Joy. Celebrate what brings you joy!  Is it re-reading the Harry Potter series? Snuggling on the couch and watching your favorite show?  Sleeping in?  Cooking?  Creating art? Cleaning the house?  Meeting up with friends? Calling your mom? Whatever it is, find time this month to CELEBRATE IT!  Indulge in what brings you joy without guilt.  This is what balance looks like! 

I had a blast recording this episode!  Start the celebration!

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