Don't Believe Everything You Think

An area I am inviting balance is in my thoughts.  Have you seen the bumper sticker, "Don't believe everything you think"? Like the movement of ocean currents, we have thought currents that we can be swept along by.  Leaving us over our head before we recognize what happened. That why, in this episode we explore:

  1.  When you're caught in these riptide currents of your mind, how do you get out?  
  2. How do you become the observer rather than just being dragged along by anything that comes into your mind?

And I share with you:

  1.  3 thought patterns to be aware of
  2.   3 ways to break a pattern and shift your energy

This episode is really helpful for those seeking to have positive self-talk and to move past anxiety and self-doubt.  

watch or check it out AS A PODCAST BELOW.

also listen to the episode on itunes.