The Art & Science of Storytelling

You know that feeling at the end of a Netflix episode where you MUST find out what happens next? It makes you skip the end credits to get straight to the next episode and if there isn’t one… 

….you immediately google release dates of the next season because you just. can’t. wait. 

Why does that happen? 

The answer might surprise you…

There’s actually a neurobiological reaction that takes place within us called the ‘cliffhanger effect.”

So what does this mean for our work?

There’s an art to telling a great story. And at the same time, there is a science to what happens within our nervous system when we experience a great story. 

So every great storyteller must master both the art and science of storytelling. 

Whether you’re planning a presentation at work, raising money for your nonprofit, creating a movement for an important cause, or trying to connect with your customers… all comes down to good storytelling. 

In this week’s episode, I share with you 3 ways you can improve your storytelling skills. 

And how the 3 neurobiological reactions these storytelling tactics will create within your audience members. 

Tune in to learn the biggest secrets of good storytelling you don’t know yet...

Let’s do it. 


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