
Inspiration & Creativity On Demand

The famous villain we all call: “writer's block.”

This week we’re exploring misconceptions and biases and answering these questions:

👉 Is writer's block real?

👉Can we be expected to create “on demand”?

I’ll cut to the chase… my answers to both are YES.

I’ll admit, perhaps we can’t all just create genius-stand-the-test-of-time works of art on command each time.

But to create the extraordinary we need to go through the ordinary every day.

If we only create when we have a “flash of insight” we might be waiting a long time.

Because creativity is rarely glamorous or sexy. It’s hard work, practice, and pushing through the “mental blocks” that come up.

If creativity is required in any way in your craft then this episode is for you.

There’s even practical tips and reflections on how you can tap into your creativity on demand.

Spoiler alert: turns out every single one of us uses creativity every day.

Let’s do this. 

🎧 Listen now:

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