
“What? I’m stuck!” (Here’s what I do)

It’s almost that time of year again.

Yup, you guessed it.

When folks are going to get their cars stuck in the snow. 😂

Now the worst thing you can do when you get stuck is to just floor it…

…and hope that someone how spinning your wheels will free you.

But what happens is you just make yourself more stuck.

Hence the phrase, “spinning my wheels.”

The same applies when we get stuck in business or in our emotions.

When we just push harder or try to go faster…

…we just jam ourselves up more.

So this week I want to share with you 3 stories of times this year when something I was doing just wasn’t working.

And exactly what I did to get unstuck.

Sound fun?

It is.

Hit play and let’s do this.


If you’re looking for the ultimate guide to getting unstuck in your business…

…then come

If you’re really feeling adventurous and are ready to get unstuck…

…then I invite you to join our Direct Connect Immersion Program that I have just launched.

It is the first time ever that I’m sharing my marketing playbook & the propriety storytelling & relationship-building ads system that I’ve created.

And if you’re short on cash flow but filled to the brim with ambition then I have good news:

We have “pay-what-you-can” scholarships available to anyone who needs it.

So if you’re up for learning how to run ads like a storyteller fueled by empathy & courage then check out the details here: