The Spark Within

Inside all of us is a Spark.  Inside all of us is Greatness.  Inside all of us is a Giant.  Inside all of us is a Choice - do we tap into our inner power or let it remain dormant?

How do we do that? Activate our strengths? Translate potential into action? Manifest our visions into reality? These are the questions that I LOVE exploring.

One of my biggest “ahas” on that learning journey is: BIG Transformations come through small, everyday actions and decisions.  It’s like stepping into the fog, and then coming back inside and realizing, “Oh my gosh! I’m wet.”  We often don’t see the incremental changes taking place until, all of a sudden, we look around and realize we are living the life we envisioned!  

Check out this week’s video to learn 3 of my favorite micro-adjustments!

This weeks podcast takes a deeper dive!

Plus, I share the 4 things I do every night before bed. It has had a HUGE impact on my life.

Or listen to this podcast on iTunes!

Want to take massive action and boost your productivity?

Sign up for T.H.E. Achievement Roadmap.  I designed this FREE 3 Part Course to empower you with the tools, mindsets, and latest research for: achievement, stress-management, and confidence.