
Discovering Your Effortless State

“Burnout is not a badge of honor. It is true that hard work can equal better results. But this is true only to a point…

All too often, we sacrifice our time, our energy, and even our sanity, almost believing that sacrifice is essential in and of itself...

...what if, instead, we took the opposite approach? If instead of pushing ourselves to, and in some cases well past, our limit, we sought out an easier path?”

—Greg McKeown

A few week’s ago we explored McKeown’s book Essentialism and this week we jump straight into his follow up book, “Effortless: Make It Easier to Do What Matters Most.” 

Personally, I love grit. 

And hard work. 

And sweat. 

That feeling when I’m in the zone, where everything just flows and all time and surroundings disappear.

Then there’s the feeling where there are a million to-dos on a very long list and I’m waking up in the middle of the night, exhausted, but still feeling the push to get up and start crossing things off that list. 

Then I read these words from Effortless: “Relaxing is a responsibility.” 


How does that sit with you? Kind of uncomfortable right? 

I invite you to take this journey together into how we can reach that effortless state while dedicating more of our time to what truly matters to each of us. Because I’m working on it and I think we’re both going to get so much out of it.

Let’s do this. 

🎧 Listen now: www.tomearl.me/es

P.S. You can learn more about Greg McKeown’s book here:

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Resiliency & Growth Through Difficult Conversations With Sumiyah Mshaka and Moses Weir

On our monthly deep dive conversation, we’re going into resiliency and growth with our special guests Sumiyah Mshaka and Moses Weir.

So many things stop us from pushing past the hard stuff, but just on the other side of hard is greatness.

👉 What are the difficult conversations you must have with yourself and others to get you there?

👉 How can you get there when it doesn’t seem like it’s even possible?

👉 And what makes the difference between simply going through a hard time vs. growing through it?

Build the mindset that will get you to resiliency, starting by listening to these deep thinkers discussing their experiences. 

This may be the best thing you’ve done all week, just for yourself.

Sumiyah describes herself in 6 words or less: “Social worker. Business owner. Black Muslim.”

Moses gave us these words as a description: “Kind. caring. Fun. playful. Empathetic. Father.”

🎧 Ready to listen? Let’s go!

Watch or listen here: tomearl.me/rgt

Learn more about Sumiyah here.

You can contact Moses by email here.


If you'd like to learn more about T.H.E. Celebration Academy.  Here's 30 days of Free Membership.