
Do Things That Don’t Scale (It’s the Secret to Scaling) With Crysta Tyus

Original Air Date: February 22, 2021

The way to differentiate yourself in today’s economy is by investing time and resources in things that don’t scale.

Deep listening + building lasting relationships will always = a fantastic customer experience. This is at the center of my conversation with this week’s return guest - Tech Founder and Millionaire Business Coach - Crysta Tyus.

As a refresher, Crysta Tyus is an online marketing consultant who helps service-based businesses get clients from social media, master sales without being salesy, and build multiple 6-figure businesses.

Crysta’s episode, which was released 1 year ago, is in our top 3 most listened to episodes from our almost 300 episode catalog.

‘How can I scale this and fast?’ is the question many entrepreneurs are pondering these days. 

Sadly, it often leads to a low-quality customer experience.  

What many business owners find is that when they start to scale, they water down the magic that brought them their initial success in the first place. 

That is because many businesses are willing to trade speed in exchange for real human touchpoints. 

Crysta shares with us how she has been able to build a 7 figure business and create a technology company, all without sacrificing building authentic connections with her customers. 

Deep listening and having actual conversations with your customers are what Crysta believes will give you an unfair advantage over your competitors. 

Over this past year, Crysta has also developed, designed, and launched an app that is able to add even greater value to her customers. 

Crysta shares with us the lessons she has learned serving as the CEO of a technology company, and the insights we can all take away no matter what industry we work in. 

This was a very special episode. 

Crysta and I also have real conversations on mindset, limiting beliefs, self-doubt, believing in yourself, and the power of being a visionary. 

I promise you will walk away transformed after listening to this episode. 

Do yourself the favor. 

Hit play. 


You can follow Crysta on Instagram or watch her on YouTube.

You can check out my past episode with Crysta here.

Resiliency & Growth Through Difficult Conversations With Sumiyah Mshaka and Moses Weir

On our monthly deep dive conversation, we’re going into resiliency and growth with our special guests Sumiyah Mshaka and Moses Weir.

So many things stop us from pushing past the hard stuff, but just on the other side of hard is greatness.

👉 What are the difficult conversations you must have with yourself and others to get you there?

👉 How can you get there when it doesn’t seem like it’s even possible?

👉 And what makes the difference between simply going through a hard time vs. growing through it?

Build the mindset that will get you to resiliency, starting by listening to these deep thinkers discussing their experiences. 

This may be the best thing you’ve done all week, just for yourself.

Sumiyah describes herself in 6 words or less: “Social worker. Business owner. Black Muslim.”

Moses gave us these words as a description: “Kind. caring. Fun. playful. Empathetic. Father.”

🎧 Ready to listen? Let’s go!

Watch or listen here:

Learn more about Sumiyah here.

You can contact Moses by email here.


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Do Things That Don’t Scale (It’s the Secret to Scaling) With Crysta Tyus

The way to differentiate yourself in today’s economy is by investing time and resources in things that don’t scale. 

Deep listening + building lasting relationships will always = a fantastic customer experience. 

This is at the center of my conversation with this week’s return guest - Tech Founder and Millionaire Business Coach - Crysta Tyus.  

As a refresher, Crysta Tyus is an online marketing consultant who helps service-based businesses get clients from social media, master sales without being salesy, and build multiple 6-figure businesses. 

Crysta’s episode, which was released 1 year ago, is in our top 3 most listened to episodes from our almost 300 episode catalog.

‘How can I scale this and fast?’ is the question many entrepreneurs are pondering these days. 

Sadly, it often leads to a low-quality customer experience.  

What many business owners find is that when they start to scale, they water down the magic that brought them their initial success in the first place. 

That is because many businesses are willing to trade speed in exchange for real human touchpoints. 

Crysta shares with us how she has been able to build a 7 figure business and create a technology company, all without sacrificing building authentic connections with her customers. 

Deep listening and having actual conversations with your customers is what Crysta believes will give you an unfair advantage over your competitors. 

Over this past year, Crysta has also developed, designed and launched an app that is able to add even greater value to her customers. 

Crysta shares with us the lessons she has learned serving as the CEO of a technology company, and the insights we can all take away no matter what industry we work in. 

This was a very special episode. 

Crysta and I also have real conversations on mindset, limiting beliefs, self-doubt, believing in yourself, and the power of being a visionary. 

I promise you will walk away transformed after listening to this episode. 

Do yourself the favor. 

Hit play. 


You can follow Crysta on Instagram or watch her on YouTube

You can check out my past episode with Crysta here. 


If you'd like to learn more about T.H.E. Celebration Academy.  Here's 30 days of Free Membership.

Moving Beyond Fear and Embracing your Experience With Nurjahan Boulden

What fear have you been carrying that you are ready to set down?

What would it look like to move beyond fear and embrace your experiences?  

This week’s episode provides a bold and courageous reflection on these questions. 

My guest, Nurjahan Boulden, was 21 years old when she was shot with an assault rifle in an attack that killed the man next to her. 

That one night changed the trajectory of her life. 

Even as she moved on to become a teacher and mother of three, PTSD and complications from the bullet wound continually threatened her future. 

13 years later, she is now recognized as America’s leading coach for survivors of gun violence who are ready to Feel Safe Again™. 

Fear has been a companion of mine during 2020. I have a feeling I am not alone in this. 

Rather than numbing myself or hiding from it, I have made it a goal to confront, get to know, and investigate my fears. 

A significant part of that journey is listening to the stories, wisdom and reflections from others who are on that same path. 

This episode with Nurjahan is one that I listen to often when I need a reminder of the inner-power that I, and all of us, possess.

For the astute listener keeping track at home, you’ll note that this episode originally aired May 13, 2019. 

As I was re-listening to it this week, I knew that the messages and insights Nurjahan shares could really serve a lot of us at this very moment. 

Even if you distinctly remember listening to this episode when it first aired, I passionately urge you to give it a re-listen. 

The experiences you have gained over the past 1.5 years will allow you to gain new gifts as you re-listen. 

Trust me. 

Do yourself this favor of hitting play. 

Thank you, Nurjahan, for sharing such a vulnerable, authentic, and empowering interview. 

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Gifts for My Child Episode 6

Featuring: Alex Sullivan, Dermot Givens, Irmina and Ace Vedo

Episode 6 of ‘Gifts for My Child’ has arrived. This will be the second to last episode. If you haven’t yet, be sure to start with episodes 1 & 2 so you can learn the context behind this series. 

There have been moments where I am holding Jayanma and listening to these interviews and I just get tears in my eyes. The advice, words of wisdom, and love that people shared just brings me such joy. 

As you’re listening to this week’s episodes, be sure to let me know if you have any additional reflections you’d like to share!


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Gifts for My Child Episode 4

Featuring: Kikanza Nuri-Robins, Sam(ira) Obeid, Timothy Mays, Aretha Scruggs

This week’s episode brings you ‘Gifts for My Child’, episode 4. If you haven’t already, be sure to check out the first three episodes so you can get the back story on this series. 

I have been listening to these episodes myself as I play with Jayanma. It warms my heart to have a community of such amazing people here for her. 

As an adult, I have found that a lot of the advice that has been offered has been helpful even for me. 

As you’re listening, I’d love to know what resonates with you the most! Be sure to let me know. 

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If you'd like to learn more about T.H.E. Celebration Academy.  Here's 30 days of Free Membership.

Courage Talks - Part 2

Welcome to Part 2 of the Courage Talks. If you haven’t yet listened to part 1, be sure to do so!  

I hope you are safe and healthy!  

I have tried to explore the definition of courage beyond just heroic and dangerous acts of valor. While this is certainly courage, I also wanted to highlight what courage looks like in our everyday lives. 

In this second part of the Courage talks, you’ll hear people from different backgrounds, professions, and perspectives dive deep into who their courage role models are, what courage looks like, and how you can become more courageous. 

Even 2 years later, I still found so many gems listening back to these interviews. 

I hope you enjoy this conclusion to the Courage Talks! 

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