
The Elevation of Education With Dr. Shaun Woodley & Stacey Cosden

Relationships are at the heart of creating inclusive and transformative classrooms. 

That was one of the themes they rang throughout this week’s episode. 

Our guests, Dr. Shaun Woodley & Stacey Cosden, shared their expertise on where education is at and what it can be. 

Dr. Shaun Woodly has dedicated his professional career to education. He is a decorated K-12 teacher, university professor, and author whose deep passion and research have allowed him great success as an educator and entrepreneur. He is the architect behind the educator movement “Teach Hustle Inspire” and has written the best-selling book “MC Means Move the Class: How to Spark Engagement and Motivation in Urban and Culturally Diverse Classrooms”. 

Stacey is a Marketing Coach with Tom Earl at T.H.E. Celebration and Marketing Director at Blue Level Training. While she is currently in marketing, she’s spent over 20 years working with the public school system. Through her various roles in the system, Stacey has been an advocate for her community, students, and their families, and an activist for reform. Stacey’s true passion is building a healthy community that supports marginalized voices.  

Shaun and Stacey also covered the important role self-awareness & emotional intelligence plays in creating a transformative classroom. 

This interview is for anyone who is passionate about education & the power of relationships. 

I promise you will walk away with a whole new mindset. 

Do yourself the favor. 

Hit play. :) 

You can follow Shaun on Instagram - @teachhustleinspire

You can follow Stacey on Instagram - @staceyreneec 


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Gifts for My Child Episode 4

Featuring: Kikanza Nuri-Robins, Sam(ira) Obeid, Timothy Mays, Aretha Scruggs

This week’s episode brings you ‘Gifts for My Child’, episode 4. If you haven’t already, be sure to check out the first three episodes so you can get the back story on this series. 

I have been listening to these episodes myself as I play with Jayanma. It warms my heart to have a community of such amazing people here for her. 

As an adult, I have found that a lot of the advice that has been offered has been helpful even for me. 

As you’re listening, I’d love to know what resonates with you the most! Be sure to let me know. 

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Courage Talks Part 1

I’ve been reflecting upon courage lately. The latin origin of the word – cor – means heart.  Rather than being verbose and ego driven, to me, courage begins and ends with the heart. 

2018 was my year of courage. It allowed me 12 months to reflect upon my own definition of courage and to listen to other people’s definitions as well. It was a wonderful journey of seeing the beautiful differences and synchronicity parallels in people’s stories, experiences, and definitions of courage. 

As you may know, I am on paternity leave spending precious time with Jayanma. In the interim, I’ve prepared for you some of my favorite episode replays from the over past 205 episodes I’ve shared (wow – 200 just snuck in on me). 

This week’s episode is a replay from my courage talks series from 2018. During a dinner party, or while people were over at my house, I’d invite them to step into my studio, where I would walk them through the same set of questions around courage. 

During this two part episode, you get to hear their responses. Ranging from diverse backgrounds, professions, and perspectives, the participants of this episode dive deep into who their courage role models are, what courage looks like, and how you can become more courageous. 

I hope you enjoy part 1 of Courage Talks! 

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Your Perfect Day

Peace to you all. I hope you are all doing well and staying healthy in heart, mind and body. Here we are again for another week of our “Manifesting Your Adventure” series. 

Before you go on, for you to get the most value out of this episode, check out the previous 4 weeks’ episodes. We began the series on March 9th and I hope you’ll get a lot of peace from journeying with us through each of the first 4 parts of the journey.

This week in your adventure, we talk about your perfect day.  There has been much research, data and so many success stories of the growth that happens when you get clear about what you want to create. When you can envision this perfect day, you start to bring it to life.

You bring your adventure to life through your reticular activating system, your RAS, or through the joy that you get from envisioning that becomes the fuel that allows you to move towards that perfect day.

We want to make sure that what you are creating in your adventure aren’t goals or desires based upon what may have been instilled in you by others or things you envisioned a long time ago and may not be reflective of what you want to create now.  We are going to get specific in creating your adventure by starting with creating one perfect day.

This is a very fun workshop; one of my favorites and I go through this exercise with all of my 1-on-1 clients. I hope you’ll enjoy it as much as I do. 

Fam, make sure to go back to the last 4 episodes before you go through this one. If you’d like to go through the rest of the 7-day program, I’m giving you the gift of 30 days free of T.H.E. Celebration Academy membership. As a member, you receive access to all of our classes and are able to participate in the monthly live workshop that is exclusively for members.

 Visit tomearl.com/manifest to start your 30 free days. 

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If you'd like to learn more about T.H.E. Celebration Academy.  Here's 30 days of Free Membership.