
The Elevation of Education With Dr. Shaun Woodley & Stacey Cosden

Relationships are at the heart of creating inclusive and transformative classrooms. 

That was one of the themes they rang throughout this week’s episode. 

Our guests, Dr. Shaun Woodley & Stacey Cosden, shared their expertise on where education is at and what it can be. 

Dr. Shaun Woodly has dedicated his professional career to education. He is a decorated K-12 teacher, university professor, and author whose deep passion and research have allowed him great success as an educator and entrepreneur. He is the architect behind the educator movement “Teach Hustle Inspire” and has written the best-selling book “MC Means Move the Class: How to Spark Engagement and Motivation in Urban and Culturally Diverse Classrooms”. 

Stacey is a Marketing Coach with Tom Earl at T.H.E. Celebration and Marketing Director at Blue Level Training. While she is currently in marketing, she’s spent over 20 years working with the public school system. Through her various roles in the system, Stacey has been an advocate for her community, students, and their families, and an activist for reform. Stacey’s true passion is building a healthy community that supports marginalized voices.  

Shaun and Stacey also covered the important role self-awareness & emotional intelligence plays in creating a transformative classroom. 

This interview is for anyone who is passionate about education & the power of relationships. 

I promise you will walk away with a whole new mindset. 

Do yourself the favor. 

Hit play. :) 

You can follow Shaun on Instagram - @teachhustleinspire

You can follow Stacey on Instagram - @staceyreneec 


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Alignment Is The New Hustle With Jodi-Kay Edwards

On this week's episode, I talk to Jodi-Kay Edwards, the founder of Alignment Is The New Hustle, a business strategy and personal development brand helping entrepreneurs build wildly profitable businesses in a flow state. She is a firm believer that when your inner work meets your outer work you’re on your way to creating magic.

Jodi takes us on a deep dive into how she sees alignment and the key differences between alignment and hustling. We talked about some phrases that you may be using subconsciously that could actually be triggering shame around money. Jodi shares some tactical things you can do today to live a happier and more lucrative life, to live a journey that's transformative and take your business to the next level. 

You can connect with Jodi on Instagram at @jodikayedwards.

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If you'd like to learn more about T.H.E. Celebration Academy.  Here's 30 days of Free Membership.