
Feel All The Feelings (Without Toxic Positivity)

Feel all of the feelings. 

Even the ones that feel messy. 

Or don’t fit neatly into a polished box of positivity. 

Create your own paintings. 

Express your unique style. 

They’ll tell you:

To put on a smile,

Take the stage, 

Work the gimmick, 

Wear the mask of plastic happiness. 

It’s what they want to see...

The spectators. 

The followers. 

The audience. 

Do it for the show.

The hallowed accolades

Followed by the inevitable silence. 

Artificial lights that glowed begin abruptly fade. 

When will we come home to the movement inside us? 

The honesty behind the performance. 

The fuel. 

The sadness. 

The fire. 

The heaviness. 

The energy. 

The struggle. 

The ignition. 

The pain. 

Feelings are feelings when we let ourselves feel them. 

Trapped inside a lie of good vibes 

It’s the farce that starts to tear us apart. 

An elephant’s painting, 

Words created by AI. 

Without the:

Worry or 


Sans the risk, 

Of ridicule

And rejection…

Creation without risk is imitation. 

It’s the vulnerability that makes it creativity. 

Feeling all the feelings. 

It’s not easy. 

But it sure beats the drudgery

Of pretending. 

Feeling all the feelings

Is human.

Feeling all the feelings 

Is you and me



I hope you enjoy this week’s episode: Feel All The Feelings (Without Toxic Positivity) 

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Gifts for My Child Episode 6

Featuring: Alex Sullivan, Dermot Givens, Irmina and Ace Vedo

Episode 6 of ‘Gifts for My Child’ has arrived. This will be the second to last episode. If you haven’t yet, be sure to start with episodes 1 & 2 so you can learn the context behind this series. 

There have been moments where I am holding Jayanma and listening to these interviews and I just get tears in my eyes. The advice, words of wisdom, and love that people shared just brings me such joy. 

As you’re listening to this week’s episodes, be sure to let me know if you have any additional reflections you’d like to share!


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If you'd like to learn more about T.H.E. Celebration Academy.  Here's 30 days of Free Membership.