Funemployment and Redefining Success With Janna Hall

This week I’m joined by Janna Hall, a Richmond, VA native and CEO of Leap Innovative Group, a digital marketing and brand development agency. Janna began her career in digital marketing when she relocated to New York City in 2011, working at agencies and large non-profits. In February 2016, Janna decided to bring her experience to her hometown by starting her own company to provide strategy development, execution, and copywriting services to local and national brands.

Janna’s passion for entrepreneurship inspired her to launch Funemployed, a brand, community and movement that provides resources to educate & connect dreamers who are monetizing their passion and working to do what they love full-time. With her platform, Janna mentors local youth while teaching them employable skills and plants seeds of entrepreneurship. 

On this episode, we discuss her journey from what appeared to be “living her best life” in New York to actually having the courage to put her real dreams into action with her own company. We also talk about what it takes to get to the ultimate state of self-awareness to determine the kind of life you want to live, and how to take steps to achieve exactly that. Above all, Janna believes that success should be measured not by societal standards and pressure, but by our willingness to take the leap and cultivate the life of our wildest dreams. 

You can find the Medium article where I met Janna here (5 Things Beyonce Taught Us about Building a Brand). Her digital marketing agency, including Funemployed, can be found here.

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