
Drag THINGING!, Belonging, and Honoring Your Anger With CYRO

Original Air Date: November 9, 2020

Honor your anger. Honor your pain.

CYRO’s words resonated deeply with me – like a bell used to awaken your spirit.

This isn’t just an interview.

It’s an awakening. It’s a residence. It’s a healing.

I am so grateful that CYRO took the time to sit down and share their passionate and powerful wisdom with all of us.

Leah Kirby, also known as CYRO, creates theatre that incites change and incorporates non-western techniques in order to explore social, economic, and political issues through a non-traditional format. 

They are an activist, theatre maker, actor, writer, and drag thing named CYRO. 

CYRO is a Queer, Non-Binary, DRAG THING! 

They bring strength, beauty, and awareness to the stage with acts like 'Run Rabbit', exploring the struggles of gang induction and violence within black communities, and 'I am not your', a piece that delves into black masculinity within a non-binary body and shows the beauty it can exude by stripping back the facade. 

They use spoken word, movement, composition, Lip syncing, and storytelling within their work to incite change through artistic calls to action.

I am telling you: this interview is everything you have been looking for in a THE Celebration episode.

Do yourself a favor. 

Hit play.

You can learn more about Cyro through their website, or you can follow them on Instagram.

The Psychology of Belonging In Marketing

The need to belong. 

To not just guess the words, 

But to join in the song. 

All along,

It’s what we’re searching for. 

Whether we pour our feelings in openness, 

Or keep them locked inside our secret box of silliness. 

Trombones and violens. 

Percussion of every persuasion. 

Couldn’t save a parade of boring. 

Pouring into a thirsty cup, 

will fill you up

Richer than hoarding gold

Ever could. 

Dragons should soar the sky, 

Not die for shiny metal. 



Searching outside for the missing piece is an unrequited endeavor. 

It will leave you…

And then you’ll be wanting more. 

And more.

Your paper cup has a hole in it 

But what’s a flat tire

When you’re consuming fire. 

Scorched earth 

Isn’t the result of burning passion. 

It’s the consequence of individualistic sadness. 




Sound so bold, 

But quickly become dogmatic 

When all I see is me. 

We need to belong to something. 

Have you taken the time to write down your greatest and most important values? 

Have you traced them like a line and uncovered who buried them within you?

Uncover a great meaning, 

And you’ll have found the key. 


It is one of the deepest, 

And most important, 

Of all the human needs.


I hope you enjoy this week’s episode. :) 

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Drag THINGING!, Belonging, and Honoring Your Anger With CYRO

Honor your anger. Honor your pain.

CYRO’s words resonated deeply with me – like a bell used to awaken your spirit.

This isn’t just an interview.

It’s an awakening. It’s a residence. It’s a healing.

I am so grateful that CYRO took the time to sit down and share their passionate and powerful wisdom with all of us.

Leah Kirby, also known as CYRO, creates theatre that incites change and incorporates non-western techniques in order to explore social, economic, and political issues through a non-traditional format. 

They are an activist, theatre maker, actor, writer and drag thing named CYRO. 

CYRO is a Queer, Non-Binary, DRAG THING! 

They bring strength, beauty and awareness to the stage with acts like 'Run Rabbit', exploring the struggles of gang induction and violence within black communities, and 'I am not your', a piece that delves into black masculinity within a non-binary body and shows the beauty it can exude by stripping back the facade. 

They use spoken word, movement, composition, Lip syncing and storytelling within their work to incite change through artistic calls to action.

I am telling you: this interview is everything you have been looking for in a THE Celebration episode.

Do yourself a favor. 

Hit play.

You can learn more about Cyro through their website, or you can follow them on Instagram @cyrodragthing

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If you'd like to learn more about T.H.E. Celebration Academy.  Here's 30 days of Free Membership.