
Drag THINGING!, Belonging, and Honoring Your Anger With CYRO

Original Air Date: November 9, 2020

Honor your anger. Honor your pain.

CYRO’s words resonated deeply with me – like a bell used to awaken your spirit.

This isn’t just an interview.

It’s an awakening. It’s a residence. It’s a healing.

I am so grateful that CYRO took the time to sit down and share their passionate and powerful wisdom with all of us.

Leah Kirby, also known as CYRO, creates theatre that incites change and incorporates non-western techniques in order to explore social, economic, and political issues through a non-traditional format. 

They are an activist, theatre maker, actor, writer, and drag thing named CYRO. 

CYRO is a Queer, Non-Binary, DRAG THING! 

They bring strength, beauty, and awareness to the stage with acts like 'Run Rabbit', exploring the struggles of gang induction and violence within black communities, and 'I am not your', a piece that delves into black masculinity within a non-binary body and shows the beauty it can exude by stripping back the facade. 

They use spoken word, movement, composition, Lip syncing, and storytelling within their work to incite change through artistic calls to action.

I am telling you: this interview is everything you have been looking for in a THE Celebration episode.

Do yourself a favor. 

Hit play.

You can learn more about Cyro through their website, or you can follow them on Instagram.


Compassionate Survival & Dancing Through Healing With Jayson James and Lydiana Garcia

When was the last time you danced out all your feelings?

We’re all doing a bit of “surviving” after the last few years… and we could all use a little extra love.

You MUST listen to our special episode that can only be described as POWERFUL as we went really deep with Jayson James and Lydiana Garcia about being strong and vulnerable and what it takes to keep going.

Lydiana is a therapist and healer, using her passion for dancing to support trauma survivors. She describes herself as a mom, healer, dancer, spirit, teacher, and student. 

Jayson describes themself as compassionate, warm, bright, survivor, loving, and balanced.

This is one amazing discussion you won’t want to miss.

🎧 Ready to listen?

Go to: www.tomearl.me/jl

After the episode, hang out with our guests on Instagram!



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Confident Compassion & Thoughtful Ambition with London Jones and Rayesa Gheewala

As the US heads into the Thanksgiving season, it’s a great reminder for all of us to stop for a minute and reflect on what we’re grateful for.

Because there’s always something, especially the more you dive in.

On this VERY special Deeper Gratitude episode, we’re talking with our amazing guests Rayesa Gheewala and London Jones about what we’re each thankful for now, in this moment, and what we can do with that.

Because gratitude is best followed up with intentional actions. Thoughtful ambition. And confident compassion.

We asked questions like:

  • Where are you going deeper in your life? 

  • What do you want people to go deeper on?

  • What are you grateful for right now?

  • What is your invitation to those who are listening to this episode?

Rayesa Gheewala is a coach for women, helping them to find life after divorce. She created The Divorced Muslimah Network - a sanctuary for sisters who are divorced, or in the process, providing safety and support and helping to restore self esteem and confidence while rebuilding lives.

Rayesa describes herself as authentic, clear, patient, compassionate, confident, and resilient. She described our conversation as epic. 

Connect with Rayesa by starting at: Rayesagheewala.com

London Jones is a leader in the Black Equity Collective, working to normalize a culture of trust, collaboration, mutual respect and shared accountability, committed to building a future where Black organizations, families and communities thrive. 

She describes herself as thoughtful, ambitious, sensitive, complex, curious, and playful. She told us this conversation took her on a journey.

Hangout with London on Instagram.

You’ll find yourself inspired to share in the appreciative spirit and energy created here.

Ready to jump on in?

🎧 LISTEN now.


If you'd like to learn more about T.H.E. Celebration Academy.  Here's 30 days of Free Membership.

Going After What Really Matters to You With Rene Wiley

The whole reason I started my podcast was because I recognized I was hiding my gifts. 

The main reason: 

I was afraid of rejection and ridicule. 

Instead of putting myself out there and potentially getting ridiculous - I just hide my voice. 

On New Years Day 2016, I envisioned where my life would end up if I were to continue down this path. 

I realized that if I continued hiding - I would end up with a life of regret. 

Worse - it would be a wasted life. 

I wasn’t about to let that happen. 

And so I made 2016 my ‘Year of Expression.’

I vowed to record and put out a 3-minute video, every Thursday, no matter how terrible I thought it was. 

The result was a year of epic growth, adventure, and the foundation for everything I’ve done since. 

I am guessing many people can relate to this. 

That feeling of wanting to hide so you can avoid rejection. 

And yet...knowing you can’t live your life that way.

If you resonate with this then this week’s episode is for you. 

It is a replay of my conversation with the legendary Rene Wiley. 

Rene is one of my favorite people because he has this unique ability to get you to connect with your body, your spirit, and your passion. 

This interview offers a powerful insight into that magic. Rene shares with us his origin story on how he went from a DJ to a high-performance fitness trainer. 

Rene also speaks on the importance of listening to your heart and the courage it takes to do that. 

Plus - we take up the science of creating the best workout playlist! 

You’re going to really love this one!

I’m telling you, this interview is fire!

Check it out. 


If you'd like to learn more about T.H.E. Celebration Academy.  Here's 30 days of Free Membership.

Drag THINGING!, Belonging, and Honoring Your Anger With CYRO

Honor your anger. Honor your pain.

CYRO’s words resonated deeply with me – like a bell used to awaken your spirit.

This isn’t just an interview.

It’s an awakening. It’s a residence. It’s a healing.

I am so grateful that CYRO took the time to sit down and share their passionate and powerful wisdom with all of us.

Leah Kirby, also known as CYRO, creates theatre that incites change and incorporates non-western techniques in order to explore social, economic, and political issues through a non-traditional format. 

They are an activist, theatre maker, actor, writer and drag thing named CYRO. 

CYRO is a Queer, Non-Binary, DRAG THING! 

They bring strength, beauty and awareness to the stage with acts like 'Run Rabbit', exploring the struggles of gang induction and violence within black communities, and 'I am not your', a piece that delves into black masculinity within a non-binary body and shows the beauty it can exude by stripping back the facade. 

They use spoken word, movement, composition, Lip syncing and storytelling within their work to incite change through artistic calls to action.

I am telling you: this interview is everything you have been looking for in a THE Celebration episode.

Do yourself a favor. 

Hit play.

You can learn more about Cyro through their website, or you can follow them on Instagram @cyrodragthing

Cyro podcast.jpg

If you'd like to learn more about T.H.E. Celebration Academy.  Here's 30 days of Free Membership.