
Well-guarded family recipes, Mayoral Races, & Terrible Customer service.

Happy New Year!!!

Your Auntie’s well-guarded receipt to your favorite dish…

…your response to terrible customer support

…and the 2022 Los Angeles Mayoral race.

What do these 3 things have in common?

Listen to this week's episode to find out.


If you’re ready to boldly share your story then I invite you to join the intentional community that I have just launched.

It is the first time ever that I’m sharing my marketing playbook & the propriety storytelling method that I’ve created.

And if you’re short on cash flow but filled to the brim with ambition then I have good news:

We have scholarships available to anyone who needs it.

Check out the details here:


Owning Your Inner-Power Tom Earl Interviewed By Natasha Bazilevych

I LOVED this conversation on marketing, running ads, the creative process, and so many other topics.

Natasha Bazilevych invited me to be a guest on her podcast and it ended up being one of my favorite interviews.

On this episode, you get to see me switch hats and become the interviewee.

Natasha really brought out some honest answers from me and we explored things I’ve never shared before.

She even got me to perform one of my spoken word poems.

I had a blast!

We also covered a lot of ground that any creative, entrepreneur, or leader will get a ton of value from.

Thank you Natasha for such an awesome experience.

You can listen to Natasha’s podcast here and learn more about her work here

Do yourself this favor.

Hit play.


If you'd like to learn more about T.H.E. Celebration Academy.  Here's 30 days of Free Membership.

Give The People What They Want (Hint: It’s You) With Jeanne DeClue & Imari Graves

This one is for everyone who has something important to share, but are doubting themselves.

For those hiding their gifts…

Their vision…

Their passion…

Whether out of fear, 



Or that lying feeling of unworthiness. 

This one is for you.

You are brilliant. 

You are enough. 

You matter. 

What you have to say is exactly what someone, somewhere, in this very moment, needs to hear. 

That video you’re thinking about recording…

That course you’re thinking about launching…

That podcast you’re considering starting…

Those words you're itching to start writing…

They are the key someone is looking for to unlock a new essence of greatness. 

In case you needed that extra push.

This one is for you.

My guests this week - Jeanne DeClue & Imari Graves - are here for you. 

And they want to share this reminder: 

Give The People What They Want 

Hint: It’s You

If that doesn’t do it for you.  Let’s drop the bios. 

Jeanne (genie) DeClue is a content strategist who thrives in driving campaigns and products for retail and CPG businesses, software companies, and online publishers. For over 10 years, she’s helped both small business and enterprise platforms solve creative problems and improve user experiences.

Imari Graves is a blogger, social media, and digital marketing specialist. She’s been featured in media outlets like voyage ATL magazine and WALB news 10 in Albany, GA. Her mission is to help small business owners create time and money-saving strategies to take their businesses to the next level.

This is one of my favorite episodes of 2021. 

Do yourself this favor. 

Hit play on this one. 

Dive in. 

And remember: 

You Rock. 

Jeanne Marie and Imari podcast.jpg

If you'd like to learn more about T.H.E. Celebration Academy.  Here's 30 days of Free Membership.

What Makes You Come Alive?

“Don't ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive, and go do that, because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” -Howard Thurman

Not only is this one of my favorite quotes but it is also the prompt for this week’s writing workshop episode. 

Here’s the backstory: 

I was an art major for my first 2 years in college.  It was amazing, and I met a lot of remarkable people. 

One of those people - Jordan Bierma - DMed me and asked if I “would be interested in participating in a storytelling project with my high school students.”

He shared that, “I work at a very small rural public school that follows an expeditionary learning model...With covid this year we have not been able to leave school and interact with anyone outside our small community of about 600 people.” 

I thought this would be amazing. 

Rather than focusing the entire time on myself, I suggested that instead I could host a writing workshop. 

This week’s episode is the recording of the creativity and honesty that transpired. 

I want to thank Jordan and the brilliant students at Silverton High School for being open to sharing their writing with all of us. 

Look - this is a crazy time for all of us. 

Getting centered on this question, “what makes you come alive,” is of paramount importance. 

I’d love for you to give yourself the gift of going through this workshop. 

You will come out the otherside with some newly discovered personal insights. 

Be sure to email or DM me your writing! 

I’d love to read it!


If you'd like to learn more about T.H.E. Celebration Academy.  Here's 30 days of Free Membership.

The Power of Presence: An Interfaith Conversation With Reverend Kate

“When you come to the edge of all the light you have and must take a step into the darkness of the unknown, believe that one of two things will happen. Either there will be something solid for you to stand on - or you will be taught how to fly.”

This quote by Patrick Overton is at the heart of my conversation this week with The Rev. Dr. Kate Cress. 

The times we live in provide ample opportunities for stress, worry, and anxiety. 

Amidst it all - how do we find presence? 

How do we cease the regrets of the past and the worries of the future, and just be here in this moment?

These are questions that those on the spiritual path have reflected upon for ages. 

For Rev. Kate, Christianity offers her insights and practice through which she can discover her highest self. 

For me, that pathway is through Islam. 

Together in this conversation we explore the ways our religious and spiritual practice fuel each other and provide us with a blueprint for awakening. 

This has to be one of my favorite interfaith conversations I’ve ever had. 

Rev. Kate asked some really great questions that allowed me to reflect upon my spirituality in a new way.  

The answers and insights we uncovered together really had me saying, “YES!”

This is a really cup-filling episode. 

Wherever you are entering this conversation from, I know you will be enriched by it. 

Do yourself this favor. 

Hit play. :) 

You can learn more about Rev. Kate here.


If you'd like to learn more about T.H.E. Celebration Academy.  Here's 30 days of Free Membership.

Going After What Really Matters to You With Rene Wiley

The whole reason I started my podcast was because I recognized I was hiding my gifts. 

The main reason: 

I was afraid of rejection and ridicule. 

Instead of putting myself out there and potentially getting ridiculous - I just hide my voice. 

On New Years Day 2016, I envisioned where my life would end up if I were to continue down this path. 

I realized that if I continued hiding - I would end up with a life of regret. 

Worse - it would be a wasted life. 

I wasn’t about to let that happen. 

And so I made 2016 my ‘Year of Expression.’

I vowed to record and put out a 3-minute video, every Thursday, no matter how terrible I thought it was. 

The result was a year of epic growth, adventure, and the foundation for everything I’ve done since. 

I am guessing many people can relate to this. 

That feeling of wanting to hide so you can avoid rejection. 

And yet...knowing you can’t live your life that way.

If you resonate with this then this week’s episode is for you. 

It is a replay of my conversation with the legendary Rene Wiley. 

Rene is one of my favorite people because he has this unique ability to get you to connect with your body, your spirit, and your passion. 

This interview offers a powerful insight into that magic. Rene shares with us his origin story on how he went from a DJ to a high-performance fitness trainer. 

Rene also speaks on the importance of listening to your heart and the courage it takes to do that. 

Plus - we take up the science of creating the best workout playlist! 

You’re going to really love this one!

I’m telling you, this interview is fire!

Check it out. 


If you'd like to learn more about T.H.E. Celebration Academy.  Here's 30 days of Free Membership.