
How to Succeed With Ads Without Breaking The Bank

You need a huge budget to make an impact using ads.

This is one of the biggest misconceptions I come across. 

The truth is - with as little as $1 a day - you can get into the paid ads game. 

My mission is to get more people like you - impact-driven businesses - to start working on their FB & IG ads funnel. 

In this week’s episode, I pull back the curtain and share the ad strategy that we’ve been perfecting over these past 18 months. 

The title says it all:  

“How to Succeed With Ads Without Breaking The Bank”

By the end of this episode, you’ll have taken a giant leap forward towards creating an ad campaign that consistently generates high quality leads. 

Specifically, I show you how to tap into the power of relationships, and apply it to marketing. 

Storytelling + Dialed In Messaging = A Winning Ad Campaign. 

Let’s get started on creating yours! 


If you'd like to learn more about T.H.E. Celebration Academy.  Here's 30 days of Free Membership.

Expand Your Impact With Facebook Ads: Tom Earl Interviewed By Dijana Llugolli.

I am a huge fan of people who have important work connecting with their community. 

With all of its controversies and confusion aside, I believe that FB / IG ads are the most effective way to do that. 

Contrary to popular belief, you can find success with even a modest budget of $1 a day. 

In this week’s episode, I share with you the strategy and systems that are getting entrepreneurs, thought leaders, and activists results. 

This is a replay from when I was a guest on my friend Dijana Llugolli’s podcast. 

You may remember Dijana was a previous guest on this podcast.  

You can check out that replay at tomearl.com/dijana. 

Whether you’re just dipping your toes into the marketing waters, or are ready to do a cannonball - you’ll discover some gems in this episode. 

Do yourself the favor of giving this a listen. 

You rock. 

And be sure to support Dijana and her awesome work here.


If you'd like to learn more about T.H.E. Celebration Academy.  Here's 30 days of Free Membership.

Answering Your Facebook/IG Ads FAQs With Stacey Cosden, Nickey Rautenberg Norrish, and Tom Earl

There are so many misconceptions around Facebook and Instagram Ads.  Add to the mix the tech giants Apple and Facebook going after each other - and you can have a recipe for confusion. 

On this week’s episode, we address some of the most frequently asked Facebook Ads questions that we receive. 

I am joined by two brilliant marketers - Stacey Cosden and Nickey Rautenberg Norrish.  I also get the honor of working with Nickey and Stacey through my Facebook Ads agency - THE Celebration Media. 

Questions we covered include: 

  • How long should your video ads be?

  • The difference between running ads to a cold audience vs a warm audience. 

  • How to set an ads budget and identify revenue goals.

  • What do when people aren’t watching your videos.

  • What is an income level where ads make sense? 

  • Should all ads be video ads?

  • How to run ads for products vs services?

  • Is there a difference between a Facebook and an Instagram ad?

  • The difference between an organic strategy and a paid strategy? 

Like I said - we cover a lot of questions that I know you’ll get a ton of value from.

Whether you’re just getting started with ads, or are an expert, I know you’ll gain some powerful insights from this conversation. 

And of course - let me know if you have any follow-up questions! 

Do yourself this favor.

Hit play. 

You can follow Nickey on Instagram 

You can follow Stacey on instagram


If you'd like to learn more about T.H.E. Celebration Academy.  Here's 30 days of Free Membership.