
Expand Your Impact With Facebook Ads: Tom Earl Interviewed By Dijana Llugolli.

I am a huge fan of people who have important work connecting with their community. 

With all of its controversies and confusion aside, I believe that FB / IG ads are the most effective way to do that. 

Contrary to popular belief, you can find success with even a modest budget of $1 a day. 

In this week’s episode, I share with you the strategy and systems that are getting entrepreneurs, thought leaders, and activists results. 

This is a replay from when I was a guest on my friend Dijana Llugolli’s podcast. 

You may remember Dijana was a previous guest on this podcast.  

You can check out that replay at 

Whether you’re just dipping your toes into the marketing waters, or are ready to do a cannonball - you’ll discover some gems in this episode. 

Do yourself the favor of giving this a listen. 

You rock. 

And be sure to support Dijana and her awesome work here.


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Be Vulnerable & Make A Powerful Decision With T’keya Marquez and Shadé Adu

Be Vulnerable & Make A Powerful Decision. 

This was the resounding theme that arose from my roundtable conversation with T’keya Marquez and Shadé Adu. 

Oftentimes, when we think of ‘branding’ we associate it with the colors, and fonts, and aesthetics consistencies of a company. 

In reality, ‘branding’ is more complex. 

It is what people say about you when you’re not around. 

It is a movement. 

It is a feeling.

And to move people emotionally, you have to make the decision to stand for something. 

My guests this week - T’keya Marquez & Shadé Adu - both share their unique insights and perspective on all things branding, copywriting, and connecting with your people. 

T’keya Marquez has made a career out of human connection + storytelling. She is driven by creating heart-centered copy for passionate mental health and holistic wellness professionals. As a copywriter, her goal is to uncover what makes you and your brand unique. 

Shadé Adu is a digital brand strategist, international speaker and best selling author. Driven by the desire to support women entrepreneurs and facilitate the creation of generational wealth, Shadé is truly committed to offering a comprehensive range of services which is oriented towards achieving the 3 I’s; Income, Influence, and Impact. 

Shadé and T’keya both shared their inspiring and powerful origin stories and entrepreneurial journey. 

I took so many notes as I was listening to this week’s episode. 

You will walk away with tangible steps you can take towards honing in on your messaging, strengthening your brand, and standing for what truly matters to you. 

Most importantly, you will walk away with a resolution to make that important decision to step into the next chapter you are being called to begin.

You can follow Shadé on IG

You can follow T’keya on IG


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Finding Purpose Makes You Unstoppable With Jaye Washington

“Finding your purpose will make you unstoppable.” 

When Jaye Washington invoked this mantra I knew it had to be the title of this week’s episode. 

Having a north star amidst the storms of life can make all the difference. 

With all the clutter of social media, the year 2020 has been, and the ups and downs of just living, discovering what our inner-compass is can be easier said than done. 

That is why I am so grateful Jaye has joined us as this week’s guest. 

Jaye is an expert at creating a transparent and uncut safe space for all things adulting.  

Whether it is through her podcast (The School of Life), her online academy (The School of Life Academy), or as the CEO and Chief Communications Consultant at The Savvy

Solution - Jaye expertly delivers the kind of advice you write on sticky notes and stick to your mirror. 

At the heart of this episode is Jaye’s insights on we can translate pain into purpose. 

Jaye also speaks on the importance of giving yourself grace, embracing who you are as an individual, and role models we can look to for inspiration. 

Touching upon her experience as a CEO, Jaye also shared some valuable advice on running a business, managing a team, marketing your key message, and connecting with your audience. 

She shared with us her 4 Step Strategy Formula for Creating Your Business Strategy. 

And this is just the tip of the iceberg. 

I’m telling you - this episode with Jaye is fire. 

Do yourself a favor. 

Get ready. 

Then hit play. 

Here we go. 

You can know more about Jaye at  and on instagram at @missjaye 

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Let’s Talk Social Media

This week’s episode is a replay of a working session with creatives, entrepreneurs, side hustlers and folks from the non-profit community discussing strategies to maximize their success. We talked about using social media and Facebook ads to build a targeted audience, connecting with their supporters online, and sustaining an income while following their passion. 

From starting a podcast to building a following on Instagram to publicizing your art using social media, this episode covers it all. I am so grateful to these participants for stepping into their vulnerability and passions in our conversation, and allowing me to share it with you. 

For more information about the next creative session, visit  LINK HERE. 

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Connecting With Your Intuition And Being Yourself

My guest this week is coach and facilitator Tasneem Noor. We talk about understanding and following your intuition, the difference between faith and religion, and Tasneem’s own experience publishing her book, The Faith Connector.

We also tackle the question of what authenticity actually is, and finally examine how a combination of authenticity and intuition can help you achieve your goals. Warning for earphone users: there’s a lot of laughing in this one.

Tasneem Farah Noor is the founder of Noor Enterprises: SOULful Transformations, which is committed to providing transformational experiences, personal development, and opportunities for meaningful dialogue.

Tasneem’s mission is to establish thriving, peaceful communities where conversations of faith build bridges of compassion and collaboration. Through coaching, trainings, and facilitation she helps people learn how to deepen their faith (and trust) in themselves, authentically express themselves, and take courageous action.

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