
Lil Tankie The Finale! Pt. 6

These past 6 weeks have been such a blessing.

If you have been along for every episode of this journey….thank you!

If you’re just tuning in…buckle up and get ready.

Here is the final episode in this 6 part series featuring the legendary Lil Tankie.

Tune in and enjoy!

You can listen to Lil Tankie’s music on all streaming platforms or by clicking here:


Want to connect with your creativity and the feeling you get when you boldly share your story?

Then consider joining our brave, messy, awkward, and loving community here:  

Lil Tankie Bonus Episode! Pt. 5

We have another first-time-ever situation on this week’s episode.

After reviewing the previous 4 episodes I asked Lil Tankie if he would come back so I could ask him some follow-up questions.

The results…two more bonus episodes for you.


Tune in and enjoy.

You can listen to Lil Tankie’s music on all streaming platforms or by clicking here.


Want to connect with your creativity and the feeling you get when you boldly share your story?

Then consider joining our brave, messy, awkward, and loving community here. 

Lil Tankie is Right Now! Pt. 4

Love and gratitude.

That is what I’m feeling as I share this week’s episode with you.

I am so thankful to Lil Tankie for sharing so much of his knowledge, creativity, and energy with us.

Trust me…this week’s episode is amazing.

Tune in and enjoy.

You can listen to Lil Tankie’s music on all streaming platforms or by clicking here:


Want to connect with your creativity and the feeling you get when you boldly share your story?

Then consider joining our brave, messy, awkward, and loving community here:

Lil Tankie is Present! Pt. 3

We are back for episode 3 of 6 featuring Lil Tankie!


This is the first time I’ve ever had a guest feature for 6 back-to-back episodes.

That is how powerful and important these conversations are.

Let’s do this.


You can listen to Lil Tankie’s music on all streaming platforms or by clicking here:


Want to connect with your creativity and the feeling you get when you boldly share your story?

Then consider joining our brave, messy, awkward, and loving community here:  

Lil Tankie is Here! Pt. 2

“Being heroic is not repeating the social justice slogans that have already gone viral.”

-Lil Tankie

I’ve really been reflecting on this quote from last week’s episode.

And this week brings us episode 2 of 6 featuring Lil Tankie!


You can listen to Lil Tankie’s music on all streaming platforms or by clicking here:


Want to connect with your creativity and the feeling you get when you boldly share your story?

Then consider joining our brave, messy, awkward, and loving community here:  

Lil Tankie is Here! Pt 2

“Being heroic is not repeating the social justice slogans that have already gone viral.”

-Lil Tankie

I’ve really been reflecting on this quote from last week’s episode.

And this week brings us episode 2 of 6 featuring Lil Tankie!


You can listen to Lil Tankie’s music on all streaming platforms or by clicking here.


Want to connect with your creativity and the feeling you get when you boldly share your story?

Then consider joining our brave, messy, awkward, and loving community here.

Lil Tankie Has Arrived! Pt. 1

It is my absolute honor to introduce to you the legendary Lil Tankie.

You may know him from past episodes as MoMan or Amoja Sumler.

Towards the end of 2022, Amoja Sumler launched his music into the world under the name Lil Tankie.

Lil Tankie and I sat down together for not just one session…but two.

And from those two sessions, we have created 6 episodes for you!

So I hope you enjoy this 1st of 6 episodes featuring Lil Tankie.


You can listen to Lil Tankie’s music on all streaming platforms or by clicking here.


Want to connect with your creativity and the feeling you get when you boldly share your story?

Then consider joining our brave, messy, awkward, and loving community here. 

Creativity is: Kind, Weird, & A Raucous With Adaora Nwandu Earl and Cet Mohamed-Moore

Creativity can get kinda weird.

And that’s a good thing.

We talked about that and more with this week’s guests.

We got two super creative humans on this special episode where the amazing Cet Mohamed-Moore and Adaora Nwandu Earl.

We explored whether art comes from instinct and how over time you evolve into new versions of yourself.

And how to oldly show up as your full self in life and in what you create.

Catch the fun as we dive into the process of creating on a regular basis.

Since we are all creatives, one way or another, no one should miss the inspiration that came out of this session.

When asked to describe themselves in 6 words or less…

Adaora said: kind. enthusiastic. determined. ambitious. focused. Fun.

Cet said: loving, creative, loyal, weird, protective, and curious.

📲 Wanna hang out with our guests on social media? Go to Instagram for Cet and Adaora.

🎧 Ready to listen to the creative?

Hit Play.

Go to

If you'd like to learn more about T.H.E. Celebration Academy.  Here's 30 days of Free Membership.

Let’s Talk Social Media

This week’s episode is a replay of a working session with creatives, entrepreneurs, side hustlers and folks from the non-profit community discussing strategies to maximize their success. We talked about using social media and Facebook ads to build a targeted audience, connecting with their supporters online, and sustaining an income while following their passion. 

From starting a podcast to building a following on Instagram to publicizing your art using social media, this episode covers it all. I am so grateful to these participants for stepping into their vulnerability and passions in our conversation, and allowing me to share it with you. 

For more information about the next creative session, visit  LINK HERE. 

Social Media Podcast.jpg

If you'd like to learn more about T.H.E. Celebration Academy.  Here's 30 days of Free Membership.

Celebrating 3 Years of Expression

Next week marks the 3-year anniversary of the Live and Online: Expression Session. Each month, we have been honored to have internationally recognized poets and spoken word artists join us as features.

To celebrate, this week’s episode is a compilation of poetry shared by some of our pasts features. I really enjoyed putting this episode together for you and reminiscing on the powerful poetry that our past contributors have shared.

If you are looking for your poetry and spoken word fix, this episode is for you.

The Live and Online: Expression Session is a monthly writing workshop that brings together writers, creatives, and poets from around the world. The experience culminates with a performance by a featured artist.

If you’re interested in connecting with a diverse community of writers, creatives, and poets, join us for our next session this Sunday, June 30th. Dates and details can be found at

Want to check out the full episode and interview of the poets from today’s episodes?

Here they are:

Matt Sedillo - tomearl.tom/matt (link to -

Shelby Birch - (link to -

Dania Alkhouli ‘Lady Narrator’ - (link to -

Destinny Fletcher - (link to

Super B - (

Lady K - (

Lady K Feature .jpg

Lady K will be our feature on this week's edition of the Live and Online: Expression Session.  Register below! 

If you'd like to learn more about T.H.E. Celebration Academy.  Here's 30 days of Free Membership.