public speaker

Coloring and Conversations With Antoinette Chanel

Have you heard that coloring can reduce stress and anxiety? 

When I listen in on conference calls, I often find myself coloring. 

This helps me stay focused, and allows me to really concentrate. 

So when my awesome friend, Antoinette Chanel, shared with me that she’d like to color together while having a conversation, I was all in. 

In early 2020, before the pandemic, before my daughter arrived, and before the many, many other things that happened this year…

...we did just that.  

We sat down for a conversation while coloring. 

It was amazing – and listening back to our chat was like looking into a fun time capsule. I got a glimpse into where my mind was at during this time in my life. 

Antoinette and I talked about relationships, business, politics, life, and a ton of other topics. If any of these draw you in, you’re going to like this episode.

Antoinette Chanel is a powerful storyteller, educator, and podcaster. With a unique background that includes over a decade of work in higher education, marketing, and public relations, Antoinette can translate, map out, and put in motion tangible plans to help you and your organization reach its goals. 

She is the founder of the podcast the Midday Reset (@themiddayreset), which she created to offer something uplifting and relatable to people with mental illness, specifically anxiety. She is also an educator and public speaker and is currently developing a workshop series to empower dark-skinned women and girls to redefine beauty for themselves.

This is a really great episode where you get to see me switch hats and be interviewed by someone I really admire and appreciate. 

Pull out something to color with.

And then hit play! 

You can get in touch with Antoinette on IG @msantoinettechanel or, and purchase her book here:

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Art is Like Breathing With Lady K

This week, I’m joined by poet-entrepreneur Lady K. We talk about one of Lady K’s passions, ART, and its ability to facilitate self-care, activism, and expression.

Lady K is a fourth year student at the University of Florida double majoring in African American Studies and Political Science, with a specialized tract in International Relations and a minor in Arabic. Upon graduation, she will attend law school. On campus, she is active with her school’s competitive policy debate team.

Lady K is a published author, national award winning writer, public speaker, and civil rights activist. By combining her passion for words and policy, Lady K continues to seek solutions to bring about a sustainable peace domestically and abroad.

You can learn more about Lady K by visiting her website.

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Lady K will be our feature on this week's edition of the Live and Online: Expression Session.  Register below! 

If you'd like to learn more about T.H.E. Celebration Academy.  Here's 30 days of Free Membership.

Imagination, Identity and Representation with Michón Neal

Our guest this week is trailblazer and representation activist Michón Neal. In Michón’s own words ze is “ an autistic BlaQueer impossible alien Othergender Dragon what tattoos trees with the queerest most sinister ink and hurts all over, all the time.”

Michón shared on a wide range of personal topics with me; we talked about hir projects in the Metanoiac portal, Cuil Press and the importance of media representation, as well as the imagination and how it ties into trauma.

Michón is a Public Speaker and Accountability Counselor at Postmodern Woman, Sensitivity Editor and Founder at Cuil Press, and Trauma-informed Domme, Builder of Communities of Care and Educator at The Metanoiac Portal.

You can follow Michón via hir website or listen to hir podcast.

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If you'd like to learn more about T.H.E. Celebration Academy.  Here's 30 days of Free Membership.