
My First 7-Figure Year With Crysta Tyus

In this week's episode, there were multiple goosebump moments of pure awesomeness. I talked with Crysta Tyus who is an online marketing consultant who helps service-based businesses get clients from social media, master sales without being salesy and build multiple 6-figure businesses. 

Crysta shared her incredible story of experiencing homelessness and living out of her office building with her 2 kids,  and then doing a complete 180-degree turn and closing on the million-dollar home that she's moving into in 2 days. Then, after our minds were blown from that amazing journey, she then gave us the goods for free and told us exactly how she did it!

For Crysta it all started with envisioning the type of person she wanted to become, being intentional about self-care and surrounding herself with successful people who sounded like her and vibed with her. She developed a strategy for business growth and outlined tactical ways to niche down and become an online celebrity. In our talk, we discuss what Black History Month and representation mean to her, and Crysta shares what adventure looks like in her life in 2020.

If you are interested in making this year your most abundantly successful year ever, you won't want to miss hearing how Crysta is manifesting her first 7-figure year ever. 

You can follow crysta on instagram or watch her on youtube.

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Imagination, Identity and Representation with Michón Neal

Our guest this week is trailblazer and representation activist Michón Neal. In Michón’s own words ze is “ an autistic BlaQueer impossible alien Othergender Dragon what tattoos trees with the queerest most sinister ink and hurts all over, all the time.”

Michón shared on a wide range of personal topics with me; we talked about hir projects in the Metanoiac portal, Cuil Press and the importance of media representation, as well as the imagination and how it ties into trauma.

Michón is a Public Speaker and Accountability Counselor at Postmodern Woman, Sensitivity Editor and Founder at Cuil Press, and Trauma-informed Domme, Builder of Communities of Care and Educator at The Metanoiac Portal.

You can follow Michón via hir website or listen to hir podcast.

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If you'd like to learn more about T.H.E. Celebration Academy.  Here's 30 days of Free Membership.

Fashion, Creativity and Trans Representation with Cielo Oscuro

Cielo Oscuro aka Kiki from Kiki and the Mxfits is a non binary trans femme based in South Central Los Angeles.

Cielo’s focus on style means that she’s been able to shine a spotlight on QTPOC from different social and economic backgrounds, and created a more inclusive space in mainstream fashion.

Cielo’s short film about being Trans in High School - Kiki and the Mxfits - went viral, and re-ignited some much needed conversations about making High School safe for Trans youth.

In this week’s episode, we talk about her own experiences as a Latinx Trans youth, fashion, creativity, representation and the importance of QTPOC being visible in society.

You can follow Cielo on Instagram and also help with their transition here too. 

Check it out!


If you'd like to learn more about T.H.E. Celebration Academy.  Here's 30 days of Free Membership.

Know Thyself with Yogini Koi Core

Koi Core is a Woman of Color and a dedicated Yogini, who absolutely believes that representation in Yoga matters

In this week’s episode we have a deep and spiritual conversation about yoga, connectivity, community, misconceptions and being your better self.

Settle into a comfortable position of strength as you enjoy this week’s episode of THE Celebration.

You can follow Koi Core on Instagram

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If you'd like to learn more about T.H.E. Celebration Academy.  Here's 30 days of Free Membership.