
Getting Deep, Ugly & Honest With Your Spirituality + Money Blocks With VibeQueen and Suki Eleuterio

“Your business will be as successful as your mindset will allow you to.” 

This was one of the themes that this week's episode is centered around.

My guests - VibeQueen and Suki Eleuterio - believe business and spirituality go hand in hand. 

This episode is a timely reminder that you are perfect as you are.

Your business isn’t a vehicle by which we can prove our worthiness.

You’re already worthy - just as you are

Suki and VibeQueen explored how to process and move through our money stories, our self-image, and our limiting beliefs.

Suki Eleuterio is a spiritual and business coach focusing on helping people harness their creative energy to create the life and business their SOUL desires. She is also an award winning blogger, podcaster, wife, and mommy.

You can follow her on IG here

VibeQueen is an artist who has been in the music industry for 15+ years. Her mission is to entertain while uplifting her audience through guided meditation, self-awareness, and sharing her journey through her music, blog, and podcast Vibe Talk Awaken. 

You can follow her on IG here

 This conversation was so empowering. 

Do yourself this favor.

Hit play. 

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Big Bold Beyond The Stars Dreams

This week's episode holds a special place in my heart. When I first launched my year of expression in 2016, I didn’t have a clear vision of the path I was going down. For many, many weeks, I would put out a new episode and not really know if anyone had listened to it. 

Then I put out this episode, and a whole bunch of strangers emailed me and shared how much it mattered to them. While I don’t create my episodes just for the affirmations, it was very heartwarming to know that what I was doing was having an impact. 

As I continue to enjoy my paternity leave, here is this week’s replay from 2017. And so that we can really get into the mood, here was the original writeup: 

This year (2017) I am asking, "Where can I find balance? Where can I invite balance?"  I’m bringing balance to the time I spend in creating BIG, BOLD, BEYOND THE STARS DREAMS. 

I’ve noticed a lot of my dreams only go a little bit outside of my comfort zone. Or I dream, but I let my limiting beliefs bonsai my goals and visions.  

This year, I am ready to have rocket ship dreams!  Dreams that take me to my highest potential and more!  I’m spending quality, intentional time in creating big, bold, beyond the star dreams.

Not only are beyond the stars dreams amazing but they also impact our lives in tangible and measurable ways.

Hope you enjoy!

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The Adventure Begins

Most of you know that 2020 is my “Year of Adventure” and in honor of my upcoming adventure, I’d like to give you some tools to allow you to have this year be your most wonderful year yet. I invite you to cast aside any preconceptions you might have about what an adventure is or has to look like.

I’ve brought together 3 amazing people from different industries and took them through a 7-day workshop with experiential hands-on activities and exercises and from those hours I put together an online course to share with you called “Manifesting Your Adventure.”

The next 7 episodes will walk you through a step-by-step process to envision, plan, bring the light and sustain the adventure you are ready for.

In the first episode, we set the foundation for how to envision your next adventure, whether it’s an adventure in your personal life, your professional life or in your financial life. We start with letting go of any limiting beliefs or fears that might be holding us back, and allowing us to suspend our disbelief so that we can really jump in and allow that beauty within us to speak and our subconscious to come through and communicate what that next adventure is that we are ready for.

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Superstition, Rituals and Reflection

In this week's episode, we begin the process of closing out this decade with grace. We do that by talking about how you can release blame, how you can regain control of your life through taking personal responsibility, and how you can release some of the disempowering superstitions that are holding you back - the superstitious thoughts may not be what you think!

Join me in this solo episode where I share some awesome stories that have led to my biggest breakthroughs this year. 

I'd love to hear what superstitious beliefs you become present to as you listen to this episode. I love hearing from you via social media or email at

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If you'd like to learn more about T.H.E. Celebration Academy.  Here's 30 days of Free Membership.