Courageous Self Love Revisited

Have you ever headed out the door only to realize you can’t find your keys?

Now, be honest. Did you ever search high and low for your keys, glasses, phone, etc. – only to discover they were in your pocket, purse, or backpack? 

That you were looking everywhere for something that you actually had all along? 

Just the other day I was looking for my glasses only to realize, “oh wait – I’m wearing them.”

You may have heard myself or my guests say that the answers you seek are already within you.

The power within us goes unnoticed and therefore, underutilized until we recognize it is within us. 

Let’s take self-love for example. 

You – I – we – are already worthy of love.  

We are already whole, complete, and powerful. We are miracles. 

And yet, how often do we find ourselves “hustling for our worthiness,” as Brene Brown puts it. 

How often do we find ourselves in that place of guilt, shame, anxiety, or feeling that sense of loss - all stemming from our belief that we must do more in order to be worthy. 

The indisputable fact that we are already worthy is lost on us – which is why we need to recognize its intrinsic nature. 

That’s why this week’s episode is dedicated to providing practical steps towards embracing self-love.  

This episode originally aired at the end of 2017, and revisiting it is a perfect way to end 2020. 

If you listened to it when it first aired, I invite you to walk this path once again. 

If it is your first time, get ready for the ride.

Gift yourself this time of reflection. 

Here we go. 

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Give Closure to 2020 & Intentionally Start 2021

2020, right? Wow.  I could probably start every episode writeup this way and get away with it. 

Here’s the thing - I bet if we took the time - there is a lot we can get out of reflecting on 2020. 

The intention of this week’s episode is to provide you with the time, space, and process to do so. 

This episode also acts as a time capsule. 

1 year ago I sat down with a group of my friends and we went through a writing workshop to get clear on our intentions for 2020. 

Little did we know…

And yet - no matter what surprises and worldwide pandemics the future will hold - getting intentional first offers us a foundation to stand on. 

That is why I’m bringing this episode back to life as a replay for you this week. 

First and foremost it gives me the opportunity to go through this writing workshop myself and create closure for 2020, while also giving life to 2021. 

Secondly, I hope it allows you to do the same. 

Even if you don’t have time to sit down and write as you listen - you’ll still get a lot out of going through the writing prompts mentally. 

If you don’t take the time now - 2020 is going to be done and dusted before we even know it. 

Please - give yourself the gift of reflection by going through this episode. 

Do yourself that favor. 

Hit play. 

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The Adventure Begins

Most of you know that 2020 is my “Year of Adventure” and in honor of my upcoming adventure, I’d like to give you some tools to allow you to have this year be your most wonderful year yet. I invite you to cast aside any preconceptions you might have about what an adventure is or has to look like.

I’ve brought together 3 amazing people from different industries and took them through a 7-day workshop with experiential hands-on activities and exercises and from those hours I put together an online course to share with you called “Manifesting Your Adventure.”

The next 7 episodes will walk you through a step-by-step process to envision, plan, bring the light and sustain the adventure you are ready for.

In the first episode, we set the foundation for how to envision your next adventure, whether it’s an adventure in your personal life, your professional life or in your financial life. We start with letting go of any limiting beliefs or fears that might be holding us back, and allowing us to suspend our disbelief so that we can really jump in and allow that beauty within us to speak and our subconscious to come through and communicate what that next adventure is that we are ready for.

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